曾經也是我想過要來打工度假的第一站 且跟台灣零時差
在打工度假的兩年中 好多人都說伯斯宜居 且氣候宜人 是個美好的城市
來到大堡礁後 常常聽客人說西邊也有個西邊大堡礁 西邊的印度洋 海水超級湛藍也很乾淨
還看到世上最幸福的動物QUOKKA 更看到野生的海豚、海獅、海豹...
我超愛這次的伯斯之旅 這裡真的很值得來
  • 80. heading to Rottnest Island.JPG

    80. heading to Rottnest Island

  • 81. heading to Rottnest Island.JPG

    81. heading to Rottnest Island

  • 82. heading to Rottnest Island.JPG

    82. heading to Rottnest Island

  • 83. heading to Rottnest Island.JPG

    83. heading to Rottnest Island

  • 84. heading to Rottnest Island.JPG

    84. heading to Rottnest Island

  • 85. Rottnest Island.JPG

    85. Rottnest Island

  • 86. Rottnest Island Information centre.JPG

    86. Rottnest Island Information centre

  • 87. Rottnest Island.JPG

    87. Rottnest Island

  • 88. Rottnest Island Salt house.JPG

    88. Rottnest Island Salt house

  • 89. Rottnest Island.JPG

    89. Rottnest Island

  • 90. Rottnest Island.JPG

    90. Rottnest Island

  • 91. Rottnest Island.JPG

    91. Rottnest Island

  • 92. Bus in Rottnest Island.jpg

    92. Bus in Rottnest Island

  • 93. Parker point @ Rottnest island.JPG

    93. Parker point @ Rottnest island

  • 94. Parker point @ Rottnest island.JPG

    94. Parker point @ Rottnest island

  • 95. Quokka @ Rottnest island.JPG

    95. Quokka @ Rottnest island

  • 96. Quokka @ Rottnest island.JPG

    96. Quokka @ Rottnest island

  • 97. Quokka @ Rottnest island.JPG

    97. Quokka @ Rottnest island

  • 98. Quokka @ Rottnest island.JPG

    98. Quokka @ Rottnest island

  • 99. Rottnest island.JPG

    99. Rottnest island

  • 100. Rottnest island.JPG

    100. Rottnest island

  • 101. Rottnest island.JPG

    101. Rottnest island

  • 102. Little Salmon bay @Rottnest island.JPG

    102. Little Salmon bay @Rottnest island

  • 103. Little Salmon bay @Rottnest island.JPG

    103. Little Salmon bay @Rottnest island

  • 104. Little Salmon bay @Rottnest island.JPG

    104. Little Salmon bay @Rottnest island

  • 106. Rottnest island.JPG

    106. Rottnest island

  • 107. Bike @Rottnest island.JPG

    107. Bike @Rottnest island

  • 108. Rottnest island.JPG

    108. Rottnest island

  • 109. Salmon Bay @Rottnest island.JPG

    109. Salmon Bay @Rottnest island

  • 110. Salmon Bay @Rottnest island.JPG

    110. Salmon Bay @Rottnest island

  • 111. Salmon Bay @Rottnest island.JPG

    111. Salmon Bay @Rottnest island

  • 112. Salmon Bay @Rottnest island.JPG

    112. Salmon Bay @Rottnest island

  • 113. Salmon Bay @Rottnest island.JPG

    113. Salmon Bay @Rottnest island

  • 114. Rottnest island.JPG

    114. Rottnest island

  • 115. Wadjemup Lighthouse @Rottnest island.JPG

    115. Wadjemup Lighthouse @Rottnest island

  • 117. Wadjemup Lighthouse @Rottnest island.JPG

    117. Wadjemup Lighthouse @Rottnest island

  • 118. Wadjemup Lighthouse @Rottnest island.JPG

    118. Wadjemup Lighthouse @Rottnest island

  • 119. Rottnest island.JPG

    119. Rottnest island

  • 120. Bus @Rottnest island.JPG

    120. Bus @Rottnest island

  • 121. Cathedral Rocks Seal @Rottnest island.JPG

    121. Cathedral Rocks Seal @Rottnest island

  • 122. Cathedral Rocks Seal @Rottnest island.JPG

    122. Cathedral Rocks Seal @Rottnest island

  • 123. Cathedral Rocks Seal @Rottnest island.JPG

    123. Cathedral Rocks Seal @Rottnest island

  • 124. West end @Rottnest island.JPG

    124. West end @Rottnest island

  • 125. West end @Rottnest island.JPG

    125. West end @Rottnest island

  • 126. West end @Rottnest island.JPG

    126. West end @Rottnest island

  • 127. West end @Rottnest island.JPG

    127. West end @Rottnest island

  • 128. West end @Rottnest island.JPG

    128. West end @Rottnest island

  • 129. Ricey Beach@Rottnest island.JPG

    129. Ricey Beach@Rottnest island

  • 130.Ricey Beach@Rottnest island.JPG

    130.Ricey Beach@Rottnest island

  • 131. Ricey Beach@Rottnest island.JPG

    131. Ricey Beach@Rottnest island

  • 132. Ricey Beach@Rottnest island.JPG

    132. Ricey Beach@Rottnest island

  • 133. Ricey Beach@Rottnest island.JPG

    133. Ricey Beach@Rottnest island

  • 134. Ricey Beach@Rottnest island.JPG

    134. Ricey Beach@Rottnest island

  • 135. Catherine Bay@Rottnest island.JPG

    135. Catherine Bay@Rottnest island

  • 136. Catherine Bay@Rottnest island.JPG

    136. Catherine Bay@Rottnest island

  • 137. Rottnest island.JPG

    137. Rottnest island

  • 138. Rottnest island.jpg

    138. Rottnest island

  • 139. Rottnest island.jpg

    139. Rottnest island

  • 140. Rottnest island.jpg

    140. Rottnest island

  • 141. Rottnest island.jpg

    141. Rottnest island

  • 142. Rottnest island.jpg

    142. Rottnest island

  • 143. Rottnest island.jpg

    143. Rottnest island

  • 144. Pick lake @Rottnest island.jpg

    144. Pick lake @Rottnest island

  • 145. Rottnest island.jpg

    145. Rottnest island

  • 146. Rottnest island.jpg

    146. Rottnest island

  • 147. Rottnest island.jpg

    147. Rottnest island

  • 148. Rottnest island.JPG

    148. Rottnest island

  • 149. KangFu Kitchen @Perth.jpg

    149. KangFu Kitchen @Perth

  • 150. Perth-Monkey Mia.png

    150. Perth-Monkey Mia

  • 151. Leaning Tree.JPG

    151. Leaning Tree

  • 152. Denham Sunset.JPG

    152. Denham Sunset

  • 153. Shark Bay Hotel @Denham.JPG

    153. Shark Bay Hotel @Denham

  • 154. Shark Bay Hotel @Denham.JPG

    154. Shark Bay Hotel @Denham

  • 155. Sky @Denham.JPG

    155. Sky @Denham

  • 156. Sky @Denham.JPG

    156. Sky @Denham

  • 157. Sky @Denham.JPG

    157. Sky @Denham

  • 158. Sky @Denham.JPG

    158. Sky @Denham

  • 159. Dolphin @Monkey Mia.JPG

    159. Dolphin @Monkey Mia

  • 160. Dolphin @Monkey Mia.JPG

    160. Dolphin @Monkey Mia

  • 161. Dolphin @Monkey Mia.JPG

    161. Dolphin @Monkey Mia





